Legendäre Attribute

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Must-have weapon legacies:
- Battle-hardened Incoming Damage and In Defence of Middle-earth Stat Buffs
- Battle-hardened Outgoing Healing Buff
- Captain Area-effect Healing
- Defensive Strike Armour Buff
- Muster Courage Fear Resist and Shield/Song/Blade-brother Crit Defence

Good weapon legacies:
- Battle-readied damage buff
- Inspire damage
- Melee Skills Critical Damage

Must-have Emblem legacies:
- Last Stand Heal
- Healing Critical Magnitude
- Melee Skills Healing
- Rallying Cry Healing
- Vocal Skills Healing

Good Emblem Legacies:
- Words of Courage Healing
- Shield of the Dúnedain Incoming Healing
- Time of Need Buff Duration and Time of Need Damage

Unimbued legacies to consider:
- Make Haste Duration
- Shield of the Dúnedain Duration


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